Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What get's your wheels turning?

Amazingly enough, I feel most creative when I'm sick. This is what spewed out of me (pardon the pun) yesterday when I wasn't feeling so well.


mocked by Man who made me
forced far from the fold
bearing the Burden I wouldn't be
melted to match Man's mold

held hostage outside Home's hell
begging back for the burn
writing words, lies We knew well
"please, I promise I'll learn!"

there is so peace in the trial
for it can't take back Our youth
it'll eat You for more than awhile
this burden I bare: Truth.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Are you kidding me?

Did anyone else see Yahoo's front headline news today?

"Shirtless Obama Causes Stir... fit for office?"

He went swimming in Hawaii - of course he's going to take his shirt off! How in the world is this fit to be headline news? Or news at all? What does being shirtless when he's swimming have anything to do with being fit for president?

I'll admit... I didn't vote for the guy, but give him a break! It seems that people are making him out to be the next Jesus or something, and I'd hate to see how they're going to react when they realize he's just another guy who happens to be in the most powerful and stressful position in the world.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Could you do that?

"Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." - John 15:13

Jesus showed us the greatest kind of love their is when He died for us. Could you do that? Could you die for your friends?

Let's go a step further...

"...Christ died for the ungodly." - Romans 5:6

Jesus didn't die for just His friends, He died for His enemies too. Could you do that? Could you die for your enemies?

Let's go even further...

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." - John 3:16

God gave His son to die for His enemies. Could you do that? Could send your only child to die for your enemies so that they could live?

I can't even fathom love that great.